
The Path of Pollen offers what feels to be an ancient and authentic map to the realms of the inner world and beyond from the Mouths and Wombs of teachers with true dedication and integrity. The work leaves no room to hide, and leads into a brilliant dance of death and rebirth for the soul. One can expect tremendous growth and a deeper connection to All That Is through this work. And though discipline is present and important, the freedom found within these ways knows no bounds. You can anticipate moments of euphoric nectar, as well as moments of sting, all leading to growth in the presence and compassionate holding of your teachers and companions of these ways.

Lorena Corvis
Yoga Teacher

Shamanic Curse Unravelling was my sixth course with The Sacred Trust and with Simon Buxton. Whatever aspect of shamanism is presented in a course, the subject matter always require a safe setting. In order to be able to delve deeply into the work, it is vital to feel that one is in a space where you can let go of any fears and fully embrace the work. Simon Buxton and his assistants always create such a safe working environment.

Curses can be quite scary, with gruesome details and painful stories. The subject was presented with a good deal of theory, elucidating on what a curse is, some of the culture around curses throughout time and of course teaching methods how to work with them and unravel them. This was done without any gory descriptions or antics. Simon talked about curses in a matter-of-fact way, with many references to historical events, to cultural tradition and to personal experience. The work method taught is a universal method without any cultural bias. It was presented in a step by step way with great focus on making it safe for the shamanic practitioner, yet being an efficient method for successful work. For me, this was a great way to learn the method. I was gently guided and I felt comfortable each step of the way.

The Sacred Trust Centre is situated in a lovely setting near fields and a small but beautiful forest. There are lovely footpaths to enjoy during breaks and in the mornings when greeting the land and meeting the compassionate locals spirits.

For anyone interested in deepening their exploration into shamanism I strongly recommend this course.

John Sjovik
Procurement Manager

I have been working intimately with the land, plants and nature for over 35 years, initially as a professional gardener and currently as a land artist.

This shift in focus was driven by a desire to find new ways to express and re-present my understanding of what nature and landscape is, or could be imagined, in our digital age.

Like many artists I have become disillusioned with a media dominated and manipulated version of the world and whilst Post-modern ironic artistic commentary I believe used to serve a valuable purpose in revealing untruths, I now feel a need to find within my artistic practice what perhaps could be described as a new sense of sincerity, beauty and personal truth. In short I was on a search for re-enchantment.

Maybe this all sounds very 18th century but given that my academic background in anthropology introduced me to a range of primitively shamanic practices, it became clear to me that the path to a more transcendent, self revelatory form of engagement with nature could be located within this area.

All artists seek to break with their own self restrictive conventions, to discover ways to hopefully usher in fresh ideas in order to drive their practice. With this in mind I began attending the various London based weekend and day workshops with The Sacred Trust and two years ago immersed myself more deeply in Classical Shamanism and Nature: The Visible Face of Spirit, a 5 day course at The Sacred Trust Teaching Centre in Dorset. Apart from taking me on a more spiritual path, it proved an invaluable aid to my artistic practice, opening up entirely new ways of both engaging with and experiencing nature and the land.

I felt however that to really push further I would need the guidance and support that the Two Week Training in Classical Shamanism could offer.

It is not often that one can identify life changing moments, pivotal episodes or experiences that can shake our everyday beliefs and understanding of our potential and sense of being in the world. The Sacred Trust’s Two Week Training in Classical Shamanism this year was one such moment, or more correctly I should say, a series of moments.

Whilst my time on this training was both emotional, even mind altering, I have never felt more comfortable. In such a supportive community of people I pushed myself into territories that truly surprised and awakened me.

All this may sound very existential and possibly unsettling but I had an intuitive knowing, and conscious desire, that the route to both discovering myself would also ultimately be the only truthful route to developing my practice as an artist.

The energy and focus that I have discovered through this workshop has pushed me further than I imagined and given me the confidence and a sense of personal authority in my artwork that has taken my practice in a new, and for me, powerful direction. Perhaps more importantly it has allowed me to consider more sincerely my role in life as well as my artistic career (not that they are ever inseparable).

Thank you Simon.

Tony Heywood

Working with Simon at The Sacred Trust is a special, unique experience that can offer innumerable, extraordinary, breath-taking and endlessly surprising opportunities to take steps into a more tangible relationship with the spiritual self in a joyous, whole- hearted way.

Simon creates a safe, secure, authentic space. The whole experience of being involved with Sacred Trust workshops and trainings can be a wonderful foundation from which to explore the unknown and delve deep within, to realms of potential that can keep flowering!

As a teacher Simon is full of knowledge, experience, deep compassion, humour and love. He allows a limitless, timeless space for each student to discover and empower themselves in whatever way is perfect for them at that time. He embodies the perfect guide into esoteric realms.

Thank you Simon for introducing the awesome adventure that can unlock portals in consciousness and teaches me respect for the spiritual aspects of this existence.

Ever grateful. Thanks and Love.

Jo Padmini Badger
Shamanic Practitoner

Half way through three year practitioner training:
Extraordinary Teachings delivered with clarity, humility, delicacy and thoroughness.
Each component and adventure into new territory, transformation and authenticity.
Nothing I had read previously was an exaggeration, this truly is life changing work .
I Love it !

Anita Shen
Tai Chi & Qi Gong Teacher

I’m writing to express my deepest gratitude to the teachers and support staff, in this reality and the other, at the Sacred Trust. Simon Buxton is the most authentic and ego less teacher I have ever met, and is a true embodiment of what he teaches.

Although challenging on so many levels, the ongoing training continues to have profound influence on me. I’ve always been intensely fascinated by the great mysteries of our world and this path has made more real for me that which I’ve always felt to be true. My connection to self, Spirit, the land and fellow humans is ever deepening in beauty and compassion.

I realise this is incredibly important work and much needed knowledge to express in our modern societies, and I feel privileged to be learning these sacred ways. My rational mind still doesn’t like it, but my heart and soul are delighted to be home and among this supportive community.

Robin Coghlan
Life Coach, Facilitator & Operations Manager

Opportunities such as learning from such wise teachers as Simon Buxton come once in a lifetime. I feel very privileged to have been led to the magic and mystery of working with spirit at the beautifully held space of Ashton Lodge in idyllic rural surroundings.

My journey began with The Way of the Shaman workshop in London, where Simon graciously held a large group with such ease and humour as he taught us newbie’s all about Shamanism. I remember many people I worked with during the practical weekend and was led to immediately apply for the 3 Year Professional Training.

While I was waiting, I attended the Spirit of the Drum course which was a deep awakening for me, I cried , laughed, roared & drummed and allowed myself to receive the gifts from the spirits. This genie was not going back in the bottle and now she has dedicated herself to sharing the rich tapestry of shamanic practice with whomever the spirits bring to her.

The personal healing I have received is profound, ever deepening into the truest version of myself I can be and this is who I step into each day with, knowing I have my powerful and compassionate spiritual allies by my side.

I have also stepped onto the ‘Path of Pollen’ which is most beautiful and profound work in restoring power to the divine feminine, a cause very close to my heart & soul. I intend to walk further down this path on completing my 3 year training.

I would recommend the Sacred Trust Teaching Centre to all those who search for a deeper personal authenticity in their personhood and those who yearn to walk in their own sovereignty and grace.

For those who desire a deeper communion with working in the spiritual realms.

For all those who need to feel safe and held by teachers of pure impeccability and genuine love.

My own therapeutic work for people with horses has been trickle fed by the richness and I feel a deep integration emerging within my work. Shamanism is a way of life, a way of being, of loving, of healing and being medicine for the earth. The Sacred Trust is a place to become whole.

Louise Epona Pell
Equine Facillitated Therapist

My first training with the Sacred Trust started in 2004 I have returned many times since. It is now 2016 and I have just attended the Two Week Training in Classical Shamanism, I found the pace of the work perfect. The content was amazing, it covered everything that I needed to refresh and it also brought in new teachings. Simon Buxton is a truly incredible, authentic teacher, he holds the space with total heart felt dedication. I would highly recommend this body of work to anyone who is considering it.

Rosemary O’Toole
Crafter of Shamanic Tools & Medicine Jewellery

Simon Buxton is an extraordinary teacher with a profound contact to the world of spirits and Shamanic Curse Unravelling is one of the best shamanic trainings I have ever attended. I would unhesitatingly repeat this course, because it also contributed to my self-development and allowed me to deepen into the spiritual world

Elisabeth Mayer

Years ago I stumbled by accident, or perhaps more by spirit guidance, on the website of The Sacred Trust, I was searching for a way to deepen my training in shamanism and was looking everywhere in Europe to get some good tuition. I discovered and signed up to their workshop The Spirit of the Drum, which would be a good beginning I thought. I was surprised, when I arrived at The Sacred Trust, Centre how relaxed but very spiritual this place was. The workshop was brilliant; with a deep sense of the worlds beyond the veil and extraordinary teaching abilities. The teaching made me grow in ways I couldn’t imagine before.

The first time I saw Simon I knew it. “He is going to be my teacher.”

And so it happened, I did many workshops at The Sacred Trust including the Three year Professional Shamanic Practitioner Training. I have enjoyed every one of them.

I am very grateful for my time at The Sacred Trust, it has brought me a shamanic clarity and insight which enables me to do my shamanic healing work with commitment, thoroughness, happiness and the willingness to dive deeper in the work without looking back. I can heartily recommend The Sacred Trust and its teachers to you all, you won’t regret it one second. Dive into the unknown and embrace the darkness visible.

Gyanjot Jan Bonjer
Shamanic Institute, Holland